Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States ( 2018). While there are several different types of stroke, all involve preventing adequate blood flow (oxygen) in the brain. Inadequate blood flow (oxygen) to the brain can lead to debilitating and fatal medical conditions. Stroke requires immediate medical attention and quick treatment can help reduce the severity of the stroke and even possibly prevent death. Early treatment with medications like tPA (clot buster) can minimize brain damage while preventing additional strokes. For our data science project, our team decided to create a Stroke Prredictor webpage. By using several different platforms like python and JavaScript we will build a web site to help determine someone's risk of having a Stroke, from low risk to high risk. We obtained stroke data for our model from to determine risk factors. The site will be publicly hosted at the web address above on a Linode VPS
Team Members: Julie Kitzler, Ryan Hathaway, Tom Sipe
** Disclaimer - If you test high liklihood on our model, you should seek consultation with your physician. The data and the model are only guidelines and just because you may test low, does not mean that you shouldn't see a doctor if you display some of the common stroke symptoms.